Indulge in Uncommon Luxury: The Exquisite, Rare & Limited WInes

Indulge in Uncommon Luxury: The Exquisite, Rare & Limited WInes

Venue Features

  • Price/head: $19.50 AUD
  • Duration: 45 Minutes (approx.)
  • Location: Richmond, Tasmania

For bookings call:

 03 6250 3435

A Once-a-time Encounter at Every Man and His Dog Vineyard

Our vineyard produces a mere 150 bottles each of our two most exclusive wines annually. This translates to a unique tasting experience unavailable anywhere else – a chance to savour true rarity.

The Exquisite, Rare & Limited Tasting

embarks on a captivating journey through these exceptional wines, unveiling their fascinating story and the dedication of our vineyard proprietors.